I have authored numerous articles in climate economics and climate finance. This research has been focused on the economic implications of climate change, the associated financial risk, and how statistical techniques can complement climate models in projecting climate change.
“Green stocks and monetary policy shocks: Evidence from Europe.” Working paper, 2024. (with Bauer et al.)
“The effect of US climate policy on financial markets: An event study of the Inflation Reduction Act.” Working paper, 2023, forthcoming in Advances in Econometrics. (with Bauer et al.)
“Climate policy curves highlight key mitigation choices.” Climate Policy, 2024, 1–7. (with Hänsel et al.)
“Why the Fed and ECB Parted Ways on Climate Change: The Politics of Divergence in the Global Central Banking Community.” Working paper, 2023. (with DiLeo et al.)
“The Rising Cost of Climate Change: Evidence from the Bond Market.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 105 (5), 2023, 1255–1270. (with Michael Bauer)
“US benefit-cost analysis requires revision,” Science, May 25, 2023, Vol 380, Issue 6647, p. 803, DOI: 10.1126/science.adi5943. (with others)
“Climate Models Underestimate the Sensitivity of Arctic Sea Ice to Carbon Emissions.” Energy Economics 126, 2023, 107012. (with Frank Diebold)
“When Will Arctic Sea Ice Disappear? Projections of Area, Extent, Thickness, and Volume.” Journal of Econometrics 236, 2023, 105479. (with Diebold et al.)
“Probability Assessments of an Ice-Free Arctic: Comparing Statistical and Climate Model Projections.” Journal of Econometrics 231 (2), December 2022, pp. 520-534. (with Frank Diebold)
“Where is the Carbon Premium? Global Performance of Green and Brown Stocks.” Journal of Climate Finance 1, December 2022, 100006. (with Bauer et al.)
“Climate Policy Curves: Linking Policy Choices to Climate Outcomes.” Working paper, 2022. (with Hänsel et al.)
“Climate Change Is a Source of Financial Risk.” In Climate Change: Managing the Financial Risk and Funding the Transition, ed. by Jing Zhang, Risk Books, 2022, pp. 41-48.
“On the Evolution of US Temperature Dynamics.” In Essays in Honor of M. Hashem Pesaran: Prediction and Macro Modeling (Advances in Econometrics, Vol. 43A), ed. by Chudik, Hsiao, and Timmermann, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022, pp. 9-28. (with Frank Diebold)
“Climate Change Costs Rise as Interest Rates Fall.” FRBSF Economic Letter 2021-28, October 20, 2021. (with Bauer)
“Climate Change Is a Source of Financial Risk.” FRBSF Economic Letter 2021-03, February 8, 2021.
“The Economics of Climate Change: A First Fed Conference.” FRBSF Economic Letter 2019-31, December 16, 2019. (with Hale and Jorda)
“Climate Change and the Federal Reserve.” FRBSF Economic Letter 2019-09, March 25, 2019.
In 2020, I helped establish the Virtual Seminar on Climate Economics to help foster and promote academic research into the economics and finance of climate change (as described in this VoxEU/CEPR interview). This seminar series is particularly useful because climate economics is ill-suited to the usual academic compartmentalization, as climate considerations cut across macro, micro, finance, econometrics, and international, environmental, development, and energy economics.